Source code for cannycam.util

import os

XML_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "xmls")

[docs]def apply_doc(source): """ Decorator that will prepend ``source``'s docstring to the decorated \ object's docstring. :param source: Object with docstring to be prepended onto the decorated object. """ def decorator(target): source_doc = source.__doc__ if target.__doc__ is None: target.__doc__ = source_doc else: target.__doc__ = "\n".join((source_doc, target.__doc__)) return target return decorator
[docs]def get_cascade_file_path(cascade_file): """ Formats a full filepath to the XML ``cascade_file`` in the ``xmls`` directory. :param cascade_file: XML file. """ return os.path.join(XML_DIRECTORY, cascade_file)
[docs]def is_escape(key): """ Determines if ``key`` is the ESC key. :param key: Key to check. """ return key == ESCAPE_ASCII
[docs]def wait_frames(throttle): """ Returns a generator that yields every ``throttle`` frames. :param throttle: Number of frames to wait before yielding. """ i = 0 while True: if i == throttle: i = 0 yield i += 1