Source code for cannycam.cannyhaarcam

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

import cv2

from cannycam import CannyCam
from haarcam import HaarCam
from util import apply_doc, is_escape, wait_frames

[docs]class CannyHaarCam(CannyCam, HaarCam): """ Webcam that performs Canny Edge detection and then \ Haar Cascade object detection on the video stream. """
[docs] @apply_doc( def run(self, frame_throttle, classifier=None): if classifier is None: classifier = self.face_classifier try: for _ in wait_frames(throttle=frame_throttle): ret_val, img = edge_detected = self.detect_edges(img) detected = self.detect_parts(edge_detected, classifier) cv2.imshow(self.window, detected) # esc to quit if is_escape(cv2.waitKey(1)): break finally: cv2.destroyWindow(self.window)
def main(): c = CannyHaarCam("cannyhaarcam") if __name__ == "__main__": main()